Whistleblowing Channel Regulation
Decree-Law No. 109-E/2021, of 9 December, established the National Anti-Corruption Mechanism (MENAC), which operates in Portugal in the field of corruption prevention and related offenses, and approved the General Scheme for the Prevention of Corruption (RGPC).
Dimpomar – Rochas Portuguesas, Lda. provides the email address compliance@dimpomar.com, which may be used to report, in a secure and fully confidential manner, offenses, acts of corruption, or related infractions, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 93/2021, of 20 December, and the RGPC.
The whistleblower should provide as many details as possible regarding the incident they wish to report, including the date, location of occurrence, individuals involved and their respective roles within the company, as well as an indication of how they became aware of the incident.
Confidentiality in handling reports of corruption and related infractions is ensured, and access to such reports is strictly limited to the Compliance Officer and those responsible for the operational management of mechanisms and procedures for receiving, retaining, and processing reports, strictly to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties.
Within 7 days, the company notifies the whistleblower of the receipt of the report, as well as the requirements, competent authorities, procedures, and admissibility of submitting an external report.
The company undertakes all necessary internal actions to verify the allegations contained in the report and, if applicable, to cease the reported infraction. An internal investigation may be initiated for this purpose and/or the competent authority may be informed for further investigation. If requested by the whistleblower, the company will communicate the outcome of the internal investigation within 15 days of its conclusion.
Within 3 months, the company will inform the whistleblower, in a reasoned manner, of the measures planned or adopted in response to their report.